Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

The Moonlit Rose


Purity comes to nature

A wedding gown for a bride

Not yet tarnished by insect or mold

It faces the sun and cherishes the rain

It perfumes the air

Hoping to attract a pollinator

To pass on its seed.

It is called MOONSTONE a tea rose. It seems to glow with white pearly petals and that are pink edged.  It has many blossoms that are held by beautiful green veined leaves. I wandered out on a midsummer’s eve when the moon was high and bright.  I saw its blossoms turned toward the light, they seemed to glow in the night and toward the brightness of the moon’s light.


Sometimes we are attracted to beauty.  It is the clothing, the physical features, the way someone or something presents itself.  I think in nature everything can attract us.  Even the lowly fungus can have a beauty all its own.  To appreciate this earth one must consider the detail using all our senses, and develop them. The rose has thorns, soft colorful petals, water that drips from its green leaves in the morning dew. Most of all a perfume that you can never forget. It is something you can reflect upon.

2 Responses

    1. Darlene,
      My mother always had a rose garden, the perfume of a rose to this day makes me remember her. I felt it always a symbol of peace and a true sign of nature’s purity. I hope this meditation gives you peace and tranquility. Purchase a rose put it on your table, breathe its perfume and reflect

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