Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

The Dragonfly

Its life is not so unusual, it eats, it breathes, it seeks shelter.

It lives, it reproduces, it dies.

All life has purpose, even the dragonfly,

It is born from an egg,

It eats other insects,

It grows, mates, lays eggs,

It is eaten by a bird.

 The dragonfly looked me in the eye several times. He was curious as to what we might be doing in his territory. It was painted by nature with glowing colors and transparent wings that buzzed invisibly in the air. It seemed to warn us.  It hovered in front of us until it lit upon a twig near us. Ever so fragile, it sat there so quietly watching us through compound eyes. We seeing just it, and it seeing multiple people.  How trustful it seemed until we moved and the dragonfly was gone with a buzz.


To be one with anything requires patience and trust. It took a while for the dragonfly to land. We spent several minutes waiting while it looked us over.  Then, at last, we could view his wonderful delicate body and take his picture. We took it slow and it was a wonderful experience.

Did you ever wait for something good to happen? Sometimes it takes forever.  Sometimes it involves a great deal of work. You sometimes are rewarded and of course sometimes not.  But, not giving up we saw the dragonfly and that memory is still there.

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