Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee

The Mustard Sandwich Race

If Rhonda needed therapy as an adult, we were likely the cause. As one of the younger children, she was eager to fit in, to be part of our group. Of course, membership in such an illusive club required a fitting initiation. In previous posts, we discussed Rhonda’s aversion to certain foods. Therefore, the initiation […]

The Moonlit Rose

ROSE Purity comes to nature A wedding gown for a bride Not yet tarnished by insect or mold It faces the sun and cherishes the rain It perfumes the air Hoping to attract a pollinator To pass on its seed. It is called MOONSTONE a tea rose. It seems to glow with white pearly petals […]

Wings to Fly

I could barely see her, a set of lissome wings held by a gentle wind, a mere speck in a deeply blue and vast horizon. She moved with precision as one knowing her destination. To behold her in flight was sheer magic, a perfect form made more distinct as she neared the shoreline. I could hear the […]