Artists / Writers
Deb and John Larabee
Artists / Writers

Love the moment, love the dance, for life is but a moment and the dance a lifetime.  John Larabee


Kohlrabi is a type of wild cabbage with attributes similar to Brussel’s sprouts, collard greens, or Savory cabbage. This vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked and is a fine addition to soups and casseroles. Kohlrabi delivers almost the entire day’s worth of Vitamin C (based on a 2,000-calorie diet). It is also a source […]


Admittedly I had never heard of nasturtium, this lovely flowering plant with delicate yellow flowers and variegated leaves until I noticed it growing in the garden. My husband had planted this beauty and to my delight, this one is reportedly edible. So what is nasturtium?  Nasturtium is a flowering herb that has a number of […]


I will always wait for the blue violets to grow in my yard.  I do not have regular pruned grass; I just let it grow and mow it. In early spring, the wild violets congregate in my yard in various locations. Sometimes, they appear in one place in the front or backyard and sometimes in […]

Feeling Vulnerable

common field sunflower image

John found this lovely Butterweed plant in our side garden.  Tall, bright, and yellow, this small wildflower stood-out among peonies and daylilies struggling to bloom in an abnormally cold and gray spring.  I noticed the plant when a first single flower appeared at the top of the long stem, surrounded by several waiting blossoms.  I […]